My Little Outlier

Client Requirement

  • Developed personalized email campaigns for businesses, schools, churches, and corporate organizations.
  • Crafted engaging messaging aligned with organizational goals to boost recipient interest.
  • Implemented strategic follow-ups to nurture connections.

Project Brief

Marie needed targeted outreach to secure speaking engagements and share her mission of empowering parents of neurodivergent children.


  • 40% Increase in Open Rates and 25% Higher Response Rates
  • Multiple speaking engagements secured
  • Expanded visibility for her parenting advocacy mission

Project Details:

Client: Marie J. Elliot

Location: USA


  • 40% Increase in Open Rates and 25% Higher Response Rates
  • Multiple speaking engagements secured
  • Expanded visibility for her parenting advocacy mission

Client: EK Digital Marketing Agency


Build a targeted and validated lead list of CEOs for strategic outreach.


1. Developed a precise lead list based on client criteria:

2. Verified all email addresses and segmented outreach phases to track engagement progress.


Achieved a high conversion rate of CEO engagement and successfully verified all required email contacts, optimizing client communication and strategic decision-making.